Title: Enhancing Healthcare with Assistive Robotic Mobile Manipulation
Acronym: HARMONY
Duration: 42 months
Starting Date: January 2021
Funding: 7,191,613.75 € 
Website: https://harmony-eu.org


HARMONY develops robotic mobile manipulation technologies for assisting staff in hospital environments. Europe’s ageing population along with higher numbers of people in the healthcare system will require increased care and staffing levels. Automation will become a quality and precision must and a medical business fact. However, the reality is that our current robotic automation solutions only offer “islands of automation” where either mobility or manipulation is dealt with in isolation. The project aims to fill this gap in knowledge on combining both robotic mobility and manipulation modalities in complex, human-centred environments. Through demonstrators and open software modules, robotic mobile manipulation systems can be seamlessly integrated into our existing processes and spaces to meet growing needs in the healthcare industry and beyond.


Contacts and Directions

ICAROS  - Policlinico Università di Napoli Federico II, via Pansini 5, bldg. 5, 80131 Naples, Italy


DIRECTOR: Prof. Nicola Longo [nicola (dot) longo (at) unina (dot) it]