Associate Professors
Angela Sara Cacciapuoti
angelasara (dot) cacciapuoti (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683793
Room 1.15 - Bldg 2 - DIETI
personal webpage
Francesco Cutugno
francesco (dot) cutugno (at) unina (dot) it
+39 081679962
personal webpage
Davide De Caro
davide (dot) decaro (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683136
Room 2.14 - Bldg 2 - DIETI
personal webpage
Giuseppe Di Gironimo
giuseppe (dot) digironimo (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817682464
P.le Tecchio - DII
personal webpage
Fanny Ficuciello
fanny (dot) ficuciello (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683916
Room 2.11 - Bldg 3/a - DIETI
personal webpage
Alberto Finzi
finzi (dot) na (dot) infn (dot) it
+39 081679253
Room T.03 - Bldg 3/a - DIETI
Felice Gesuele
felice (dot) gesuele (at) unina (dot) it
+39 081676818
Room 1G08 - Bldg MSA-6 - DF
personal webpage
Pierluigi Giampaolino
pierluigi (dot) giampaolino (at) unina (dot) it
Bldg 9 - DSP
Raffaele Giordano
rgiordano (at) na (dot) infn (dot) it
+39 081676105
Room 1G08 - Bldg MSA-6 - DF
Nicola Longo
nicola (dot) longo (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817464311
Bldg 5 - DNSRO
personal webpage
Paolo Maresca
paolo (dot) maresca (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683168
Room 3.05 - Bldg 3/a - DIETI
personal webpage
Massimo Martorelli
massimo (dot) martorelli (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817682470
P.le Tecchio - DII
personal webpage
Marco Milone
marco (dot) milone (dot) md (at) gmail (dot) com
+39 0817463064
Bldg 12 - DSP
Mario Pagano
mario (dot) pagano (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683504
Room T.28 - Bldg 3/A - DIETI
personal webpage
Alessandro Palmieri
alessandro (dot) palmieri (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817462520
Bldg 5 - DNSRO
personal webpage
Biagio Palumbo
biagio (dot) palumbo (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817682387
P.le Tecchio - DII
personal webpage
Alessandro Pepino
alessandro (dot) pepino (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683803
Room 3.02 - Bldg 2 - DIETI
personal webpage
Nicola Petra
nicola (dot) petra (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683680
Room 2.14 - Bldg 2 - DIETI
personal webpage
Domenico Prezioso
domenico (dot) prezioso (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817462504
Bldg 5 - DNSRO
personal webpage
Fabrizio Renno
fabrizio (dot) renno (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817682459
P.le Tecchio – DII
personal webpage
Daniel Riccio
daniel (dot) riccio (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683930
Room A1 – Bldg 1 – DIETI
personal webpage
Fabio Ruggiero
fabio (dot) ruggiero (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683843
Room 3.07 - Bldg 3/a - DIETI
personal webpage
Mario Sansone
mario (dot) sansone (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683807
Room 3.03 - Bldg 2 DIETI
personal webpage
Sergio Savino
sergio (dot) savino (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683269
Bldg 4 - DII
personal webpage
Francesco Timpone
francesco (dot) timpone (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683263
Bldg 4 - DII
personal webpage
Luisa Verdoliva
verdoliv (at) unina (dot) it
+39 0817683929
Room 4.28 - Bldg 3/a - DII
personal webpage
DIETI - Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
DII - Department of Industrial Engineering
DNSRO - Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive and Odontostomatological Sciences
DF - Department of Physics "Ettore Pancini"
DSBA - Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences
DSP - Department of Public Health