Title: Advanced Virtual Adaptive Technologies e-hEAlth
Acronym: AVATEA
Duration: 22 months
Starting Date: November 2018
Funding: 1,5 M€ 
Website: www.prisca.unina.it/avatea



The project aims at developing an intelligent system to support the rehabilitation process of children with neuro-motor disorders. AVATEA aims at creating an integrated system consisting of: (i) an adjustable seat, (ii) different types of sensors, and (iii) an interactive visual interface to perform rehabilitation exercises in the form of games. Such games/exercises are going to be specifically targeted at supporting therapeutic sessions for Development Coordination Disorders (DCD).



Contacts and Directions

ICAROS  - Policlinico Università di Napoli Federico II, via Pansini 5, bldg. 5, 80131 Naples, Italy


DIRECTOR: Prof. Nicola Longo [nicola (dot) longo (at) unina (dot) it]