
  • Mohamed Sallam, Giuseppe Andrea Fontanelli, Fanny Ficuciello ― The paper "Towards a Robotic Surgical Needle Driver with Rolling Capabilities"  has received the Best Presentation Award at the 12th Conference on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS 2023), Paris, France, September 2023.
  • Bruno Siciliano ― Engelberger Award for Education, for contributing to the advancement of the Science of Robotics in the Service of Mankind, June 2022.
  • Bruno Siciliano – Giovan Battista Basile Special Career Award, for his very high merits in the field of automation studies, thanks to which he has given new luster to the centuries-old tradition of excellence of scientific research in Campania, November 2021.
  • Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, Giuseppe Bifulco – The abstract "Long Term Reproductive Outcomes after Outpatient Hysteroscopic Metroplasty in Infertile Women with Dysmorphic Uterus: A Multicenter Study" has received the Award for the best abstract on hysteroscopy at the 47° AAGL Global Congress on Minimally Invasive Gynecology, in Las Vegas, November 2018. 
  • The MUSHA project by Fanny Ficuciello with Mario Selvaggio, Umberto Bracale, Huan Liu, Satwinder Singh and Andrea Fontanelli, has received the Switch 2 Product Innovation in Bioengineering Award at the 6th National Congress of Bioengineering (GNB) in Milan, June 2018
  • Vincenzo Mirone – 2018 EAU Willy Gregoir Medal for his significant contribution to the development of the urological specialty in Europe at he opening ceremony of the 33rd Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Copenaghen, March 2018.


Contacts and Directions

ICAROS  - Policlinico Università di Napoli Federico II, via Pansini 5, bldg. 5, 80131 Naples, Italy


DIRECTOR: Prof. Nicola Longo [nicola (dot) longo (at) unina (dot) it]